

日本のSNS利用はもう限界なのか - CNET Japan

でも、もしかしたらSNSの「最大サイト」の頭打ちの予感は、アメリカでも出てきているのかもしれない。今朝のSan Francisco Chronicleで、よりニッチを狙ったSNSベンチャーを紹介する記事が載ったが、その中でこんな話がある。

Few are claiming this is the beginning of the end for MySpace, the signature social networking site that has upwards of 150 million profiles on its site and hosted 54 million unique visitors in January -- up 87 percent from the year before, according to Nielsen//NetRatings.

Still, some are growing restless with the social networking giant, saying they want a more tailored social networking experience. January's Nielsen//NetRatings study also showed that while MySpace visitors spent a little more than two hours on the site in January -- still far and away the industry leader -- that figure is down almost 20 minutes from a year ago.

So in the same ways that viewers have migrated from broadcast television to more specialized cable channels and that readers of newspapers left for blogs and online news sites, online users are causing a social networking diaspora, and it is accelerating.

Niche versions of MySpace -- next big thing on the Internet - SFGate




